
Simplicity Is The Best Policy

If you are like me, you complicate everything more than necessary. I can take the simplest idea and beat it and mess with it over and over until it is so complicated I don’t recognize it any more.

Why can’t I find a simple solution to problems and then be happy? I’m not sure what the answer is, but I know I’m not alone.

Take, for example, the arthritic woman who went from doctor to doctor seeking a cure for her crooked back. Each doctor tried something new to try to help the woman: medicine, acupuncture, massage, aroma-therapy, exercise and diet programs – but nothing worked.

The woman was miserable. She walked with a cane and hunched badly. It eventually got to the point where she could barely move without a great deal of pain.

Just when she thought she would never find help, a friend suggested she see a clerk at a hardware store who had the reputation of being a “miracle worker.”

Thinking she had nothing to lose, the woman and her friend drove to the hardware store to see if the miracle man had any remedies for arthritis.

When they arrived, they were surprised to see a long line starting from the hardware store, winding through the parking lot and down the side street.

“This guy must be good,” said the woman to her friend, “let’s get in line.”

While in line, the woman noticed that people were coming out of the store just about as quickly as they went in; the wait was very short.

“This guy must be good,” said the woman, “look how quickly the line moves.”

When it was her turn, the woman told her friend to wait and she would go inside alone.

Just as soon as she went in, it seems, the woman came out. But now she was standing straight, did not hunch over, and seemed to be 15 years younger.

“Wow,” exclaimed the friend, “what in the world did that guy do? You look amazing.”

“Well,” said the woman, “he simply gave me a longer cane.”

If things seem too complicated to handle, in other words, perhaps we just need to find a longer cane.

It could be as simple as that.



Short URL: http://osawatominews.com/?p=1358

Posted by admin on Aug 3 2011. Filed under Jeremy Gulley, Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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