
Down Through The Years

By Shirley Erickson

100 Years Ago

The school board at its regular meeting in the superintendent’s office Monday evening installed its new members and organized for business for the approaching year of school. T.H. Dyer and Abe White are the newly installed members and R.A. Chenoweth elected by the board to fill the vacancy caused by the death of A.F. Meek which through an oversight was neglected at the spring election.

The W. N. Certain Lumber Company’s stock of lumber and real estate at this place have been sold to Mr. E. J. Turner of Clifton, KS, The stock has been invoiced and Mr. Turner is in possession of the property. He is in business at Clifton, having a furniture store, and an undertaking business at that place. He is, however, an old and experienced lumberman, having had a yard at Burlington, Kansas, several eyars ago. Mr. Allred, who has had charge of the business since the organization of the company here, will remain as Mr. Turner’s representative.

On behalf of the company that has retired from business here, Mr. Allred desires to thank all past and present patrons of the yard for their business, and he cordially invites a continuance of the friendly relations that have existed between himself and the patrons of the yard.

75 Years Ago

Ross Gott was elected commander of the local American Legion Post at their regular election of officers Monday evening. Mr. Gott is a machinist at the shops and has his home in the Plum Creek neighborhood.

Other officers elected: Sr. Vice Commander, Harvey Earp; Jr. Vice Commander, Roy Jenkins; Adjutant, Lillard Johnson; Finance Officer, W. L. Purinton; Chaplain, Robert Lee; Historian, E. H. Walker; Sargeant-at-arms, Harry Caton.

Ross Gott, Lillard Johnson, Fred Dever and Andy Lockhart were elected delegates to the state convention in Wichita September 7. E. W. Meyer, Frank Imes, Harry Caton and H. D. Weaver are alternates.

The Rainbow Club, located at the south city limits just off South Sixth street, will be formally opened Saturday night, with a special orchestra engaged for that evening. Johnny Fisher is manager of the club.

The building has been entirely remodeled, and a new floor and roof have been put on. Modern equipment has been installed throughout, and an adequate floor space for dancing has been provided.

50 Years Ago

Edgar Buchanan, 1208 Pacific St., was elected commander of the Osawatomie American Legion post at the annual meeting Tuesday night. He succeeds R. S. Matney who had held the post the past year.

Others elected: Senior vice-commander, Harry E. Funk; junior vice-commander, Donald D. White; historian, E. H. Biggerstaff; sergeant-at-arms, John Jarboe; and finance officer, Hugh W. Campbell.

The last animal is back home, the final tent pole has been knocked down, and the 23rd edition of the Osawatomie Free Fair is now a matter of history. This year’s fair, which opened Wednesday with a giant parade and closed Saturday night, was tabbed by officials as “the best we’ve ever had.” Many records were broken.

25 Years Ago

Repairs on John Brown Highway in Osawatomie are a step nearer. Osawatomie was awarded a $300,000 Community Development Block Grant Friday to help fund repairs on the highway that runs along Parker Avenue, west from 12th Street to the city limits. That is the maximum grant that can be awarded. Total cost of the project is estimated at $800,000. Of the 38 projects in the state receiving the Kansas Department of Economic Development grants Friday, Osawatomie was No. 2. There were 144 applications for the grants.

Thelma Monroe is the new registrar at Osawatomie State Hospital. She succeeds Norma J. Stephens, who was named superintendent of the hospital early this month.

Mrs. Monroe has been on the hospital staff 25 years. Except for short periods of temporary work in other departments, she has been a member of the registrar’s department during all of her OSH service.

The registrar’s department is responsible for providing clerical support to clinical areas, central medical records, area medical records, section secretaries, admissions and date processing, clerical secretaries, support to clinical department heads and the patients’ clothing program.

15 Years Ago

Tuesday was an unusual day for 16-year-old Natalie Scherman of Osawatomie.

It was filled with excitement, anticipation, trepidation and some tears. She was leaving her home for up to a year in Germany as a Rotary Exchange Student. A daughter of Lynda Scherman of Osawatomie and Ernest Scherman of Lane, she will be attending school this term at Artland Gymnasium in Quakenbruck, Germany.

Miss Scherman flew out of Kansas City International Airport Tuesday afternoon, accompanied by her mother and bound for Chicago. There she boarded a direct flight to Frankfurt, Germany and her mother returned home. From Frankfurt, she had a short flight to Bremen, arriving there about 4 a.m. Wednesday, Kansas time. She was met there by her first host family for an hour-long drive to Quakenbruck. Mrs. Scherman said her daughter had already called home and reported her safe arrival Wednesday.

WICHITA – Marine Kyle L. Rhynerson, Osawatomie, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant while serving at the Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center here. The 1990 graduate of Osawatomie High School is the son of Victor B. and Anita K. Rhynerson, 32760 West Osawatomie Road. He is a 1994 graduate of Southwestern College, Winfield, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree.


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