
Streetscape Dedication Tonight

Lookin’ good, Osawatomie; you’re lookin’ good! The new downtown streetscape project came in as promised, and I make sure to cruise that block every-single-time I’m in town. I’ve also been telling folks elsewhere to check out the new Osawatomie downtown look: new street, new parking stalls, new sidewalks, pretty brick work, new street and stop lights, new trees and flower pots.

Loss of the beautiful trees appeared to bother more people than did the inconvenience, but trees have been replanted and will grow. Of course, many business owners and shoppers had a problem with birds and bird droppings in the old trees. Would this be taking a little bad with the good, when the trees reach maturity and the birds return?

I remember sitting in city council meetings from the earliest streetscape discussions and listening to stories about the rains and what a quagmire Osawatomie’s downtown was turned into the last time you redid the downtown block. This time, the city played it smart. Only one side of the street was torn up at a time and put back together before tearing into the other side. Smart. Real smart city leaders!

The previous street redo saw the contractor tear out the whole street and then the rains came down and continued. This time, rain did not seem to be a problem, even though it wasn’t a dry summer until recently. I could be wrong, but I also know the city worked hard to maintain communication with the business owners.

With the big warm weather functions, really big deals like the Osawatomie alumni celebration , Railroad Days, and the John Brown Jamboree, the city managed to make it all work. Congratulations city leaders and workers. Now with the Freedom Festival coming up in September, this city really has something to show off, even if John Brown Memorial Park will host main events.

After what, I’m sure, the city leaders, local business people and those who frequent the downtown saw as five very long months, it still appears to have gone amazingly smoothly. I know there had to be inconvenience. I truly understand. My wife and I were out of our own house for eight months during our restoration work. I can tell you, though, just how worth it all of that sacrifice was.

This evening, everyone in Osawatomie and surrounding areas are invited to attend the plaque dedication ceremony at 6 p.m. at city hall located at Fifth and Main Streets. Mayor Phillip Dudley said the ceremony will be brief, but will include recognition of a monument with a plaque denoting the date and people involved in the project.

Invitations have gone out to the Osawatomie governing body, the Osawatomie city employees, Miami County Commissioners, the BG Consultants (project designers), the construction company, press, Osawatomie Chamber members, and, most importantly, the community at large.

So if you have a few moments this evening, just drop by city hall. After all, this one went right and finished on schedule just for those people who make up the community and the city called Osawatomie.

Short URL: http://osawatominews.com/?p=157

Posted by Kevin on Aug 25 2010. Filed under Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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