
New Shoes

By Jeremy Gulley

I am quite fond of my boots. I wear them for most of my walking around time. They are comfortable, both physically and mentally – I am used to how they feel and I’d rather wear them than anything else. So far, they’ve been to Mexico, Ecuador, and about 16 States including a motorcycle trip to the Arctic Circle.

But Sunday morning, I felt like I needed a change. I just felt off. Most of us have felt that way, but on Sunday I was off enough that I couldn’t think of a way to get back on track. I needed something to get me in a good mood.

Then a Paolo Nutini song, “New Shoes,” popped into my head. The lyrics of the song resembled the start of my day:

Woke up cold one Tuesday,

I’m looking tired and feeling quite sick,

I felt like there was something missing in my day to day life

Nutini then goes on say that, while getting dressed for the day, he realized that his shoes could be the problem. So, to try and make things better, he got some new ones. The chorus goes like this:

Hey, I put some new shoes on,

And suddenly everything is right,

I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody’s smiling,

It so inviting,

Oh, short on money,

But long on time,

Slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,

And I’m running late,

And I dont need an excuse,

’cause I’m wearing my brand new shoes

I figured I could do the same thing, so I ditched my boots and grabbed a pair of shoes that I’ve never worn out of the house. I bought them a year ago for some reason and they were just sitting in my closet.

I put them on and went to church, feeling confident and renewed. At least five people commented on how much they liked my new shoes. One person said they looked “swanky.” I felt like my day turned around from the beginning, just because of my shoes.

As I write this column, I’m still wearing the shoes. And I still feel good about myself. Who knew that simply changing shoes could make such a difference in my day? Perhaps Nutini is really on to something.


Short URL: http://osawatominews.com/?p=1627

Posted by admin on Mar 21 2012. Filed under Jeremy Gulley, Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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