
Down Through The Years: Sept 8 2010

100 Years Ago
Over 30,000 people cheer the Ex-President and whistles scream a noisy welcome as the Roosevelt special puffed into Osawatomie. A reception, luncheon at noon at the State Hospital, dedicatory speeches, Theodore Roosevelt’s speech and then well Teddy goes to Lawrence to sleep.
Theodore Roosevelt’s Speech – “New Nationalism, Progressive Policies for Government, Compares the Anti-Slavery Struggle to Insurgency”
Col. Roosevelt stood silent and smiling until the storm of applause had died down, and then spoke as follows:
There have been two great crises in our country’s history; first when it was formed, and then again when it was perpetuated. The formative period included not merely the Revolutionary war, but the creation and adoption of the Constit-under it. (Editor’s Note: This is copy, but apparently something was omitted for the original writings) Then came sixty years during which we spread across the continent – years of vital growth, but of growth without rather than growth within. Then came the time of stress and strain which culminated in the Civil war, the period of terrible struggle upon the issue of which depended the justification of all that we had done earlier, and which marked the second great period of growth and development within. The name of John Brown will be forever associated with this second period of the Nation’s history; and Kansas was the theater upon which the first act of the second of our great National life dramas was played out. What we need is good citizens. Good citizenship means progress; and therefore all good citizens should stand for progress, and must be progressive.
75 Years Ago
The Osawatomie S. A. L. band won the state championship at the Legion convention in Hutchison Monday for the second consecutive time and will hold it until next year when it will be open for competition again. They won the cup when it was first offered at Wichita last Labor Day.
“Osawatomie should certainly be proud of it’s band, it is the nicest unit in the parade,” was the comment of Governor Alf M. Landon, to Lillard Johnson, manager of the band for the Legion, after the parade in Hutchison Monday. Senator Arthur Capper also praised the band and invited them to visit him at the Topeka Capital plant when they play at the Topeka Fair.
Among those who attended from Osawatomie were delegates Fred Dever, Harry Clark, Lillard Johnson and Andy Lockhart; alternates Harry Caton, Sam Kleinhein, John Erickson, and J. R. Gott; Dr. Carmichael, Bill Larkins, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stegle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Patriquin, Mrs. H. H. Reed, Mrs. Lillard Johnson, Mrs. J. R. Gott, Mrs. Walter Cassida, Mrs. C. C. Bruntz and Mrs. John Erickson.
There were forty-two pieces in the band. Mr. Chas. Henry, director.
50 Years Ago
Using the hospital tennis court as the stage, a group of young people, members of the Mound Builders 4-H Club of Beagle, presented three-one act plays before a large audience of patients on Tuesday evening, Aug. 2.
The cast for “Mock Wedding,” “Aunt Betsy and the Tramp,” and “In Doubt About Daisy,” included: Linda Osborn, Ronnie Elkington, Leroy Shumaker, Carol Sue Spencer, Pamela Cheatham, John Osmond, Ella Mae Day, Mary Ward, Florence Spencer, Mike Flaharty, Mary Spencer, Lawrence Ward, Beverly Hewitt, Richard Bratton, Marilyn Stevens, and Glassel Flaharty.
Carol Sue, Mary, and Florence Spencer are daughters of Mrs. Francis Spencer, psychiatric aide at Adair, and Beverly Hewitt is the sister of the late John Hewitt, former hospital staff member.
Mrs. Ruth Pennock, an employee of the Osawatomie Ben Franklin store for nearly thirteen years, resigned her position last Saturday.
Mrs. Pennock began her duties with the local organization on March 7, 1948, two weeks before the store opened for business on March 20. She worked for W. T. Alexander for 11 ½ years.
25 Years Ago
More than a year of work and planning by dozens of Osawatomie citizens will be celebrated next week. The celebration at 7 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 29, will mark the completion of the renovation of the city auditorium.
Gov. John Carlin will be the speaker at the program.
The $310,000 project that began last year was virtually complete this week and will be finished in time for the celebration. Funds for the work came from a Community Development Block Grant, administered by the Kansas Department of Economic Development; donations from private individuals, business firms and organizations; and money for the city.
The monthly dinner at the Osawatomie Court Apartments was held Aug. 17 at the court apartments.
Attending were: Beulah Holliday, Esther Ringey, Evelyn Johnson, Gregory R. Allen, Bertha Galloway, Adolph Jurgens, Susie Adams, Rachel Platt, Jane Schrader, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, Sylvia Bowers, Ollie K. Pinneo, Raymond Hightower, Ralph Whitla, Wanda Chisam, Ethel Smith, Anna Brown, Matt Elder, Amy Elder, Ruth Cockran, Freda Whitney and Mary Lou Davey and Mark.
The second floor residents were hosts.
Mrs. Schrader and Mrs. Smith were honored guests.
15 Year Ago
Fairy Trowbridge and Dorothy Waldmer were welcomed as new members of the Linn Country Rainbow Women’s Club met last Wednesday. Naomi Childress was the hostess for the meeting held in the clubhouse at Lake Chaparral.
Members responded to roll call with a story about their favorite doll. The lesson leader was unable to attend and the lesson on restoring dolls will be rescheduled at a later date.
President Martha Couch asked for volunteers to help during the Linn County Fair.
Osawatomie High School varsity cheerleading squad earned a superior rating when it attended the Universal Cheerleaders’ Association cheerleading camp at Pittsburg State University July 12-15. The junior varsity was designated most improved squad. Both teams received spirit awards.
Members of the varsity squad attending were: Liberti Benedict, Amy Johnson, Stephanie Mohr, Kristina Raabe, Jessica Culbertson, Crystal Walker, Lisa Torrez and Natalie Dempsey.
Junior varsity cheerleaders attending camp were: Jenny Dennis, Amanda Raabe, Emily Dempsey, April Allen, Sarah Henning, Kristy Barbosa, Laura Stephens and Carrie Cassida.
The teams were accompanied by the sponsor, Bobbi Cole.

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Posted by Shirley on Sep 8 2010. Filed under News and Updates. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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