Abandoned Shoe Becomes Facebook Sensation
By Jeff Gulley
For nearly 34 hours last week, a lone abandoned shoe became the object of possibly the largest game of hide-and-seek ever played in Osawatomie.
Fueled by Facebook posts, more than 30 people hunted for, found and hid an old tennis shoe for nearly two days.
The impromptu game began Thursday when Jenny Weaver decided to pick up the shoe that had sat in the road near U.S. Highway 169.
“That dang shoe sat in the road for weeks,” she said. “I would drive by and think “why hasn’t anyone picked it up yet.”
At about 2 p.m. Thursday, Weaver posted this message on her Facebook page:
“Thinks the shoe that has been in the street now for over a week on Main Street in Osawatomie by the off ramp is really starting to bother me. I think I will stop and place it on another street in town and see how long it takes for someone to move it.”
Then a clue was posted. “Shoe clue: We love the Streetscape project and are dedicated to improving Osawatomie.”
The game was on.
“I had no idea it would turn into this,” Weaver said. “I went to pick up my kids from school after I posted that first clue, and teachers, paras and other kids parents were already telling me they knew where it was and were getting their kids and going to get it. After collecting my kiddos from Swenson, I drove back to Fifth and Main and it was gone.”
Weaver’s Facebook wall became the check-in spot for clues.
The game went on until about 10:30 p.m. Thursday night when Weaver placed it back where she found it near the 169 highway ramp. But early Friday morning, it began again.
The shoe was found and hid again Friday too many times to count. At halftime of the boys’ varsity basketball game, Emily Wingerter and Amy Atwood came running into the gym holding the shoe.
The game that night actually went into Saturday morning as cars of kids, teenagers and adults searched all over town again using the power of Facebook to post the next clue or to point out those that may have been “cheating.”
Weaver said the game was all in fun and there were a lot of laughs both nights.
“The laughs and the friends that were made by all over the 34 hours that the game played out were amazing,” she said. “Kids were in their PJ’s out looking for the shoe with their parents, adults, grown adults were running around, laughing, enjoying the hunt. Innocent fun. Who knew?! I had no idea that it would result in this but what great memories.”
Just past midnight on Friday, Weaver was in a car with three teenagers driven by Chrissy Rayl when the clue came in: “Built for a king but not fit for a bovine.” Rayl, along with the many other cars searching, raced toward the Cow Palace and Weaver found the shoe. They headed to the Pottawatomie Creek where the kids, Cole Rayl, Keonna Goodwin, Taryn McReynolds and Ryan Stooky, posed for picture.” Weaver posted one final clue: “Up a creek without a paddle! Goodnight all!”
The shoe now has its own Facebook page, The Infamous Shoe of Oz. On the page are 22 photos taken when the shoe was found.
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