“Author Archive”
Stories written by admin

Moving On

By Jeremy Gulley This week I was reminded of a situation where I was wrong. Twelve or so years ago I left a company the wrong way. I had worked at this organization for seven or eight years, and was leaving so that I could make more money and better support my growing family. I [...]

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The Power of Music

Check out this amazing video from Oliver Sacks on the healing power of music.   The Power of Music

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Now or Never

More motivation for a Saturday afternoon. Now or Never

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Do No Harm Is Not Enough

By Jeremy Gulley Facebook went public this week, making a lot of people very wealthy. Their business is worth billions of dollars, and their success has been celebrated very publically this week. Congratulations to them. In contrast to news of Facebook’s amazing success, this week I also stumbled upon the story of Sir Nicholas Winton. [...]

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Otros Lenguajes

By Jeremy Gulley La semana pasada dos personas me dijeron que sólo debemos hablar inglés en Estados Unidos. No estoy de acuerdo. Creo que todos en Estados Unidos deben tratar de hablar inglés porque la mayoría de la gente habla inglés en Estados Unidos y es más fácil vivir aquí si lo hace. Eso no [...]

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There Will Be McDonald’s in Heaven

By Jeremy Gulley Several years ago my family traveled to the Philippines. Though we enjoyed the experience, the food left a lot to be desired. We tried hard, but really did not enjoy much of anything. Then, one day, we found a McDonald’s. Unfortunately, what should have been an oasis turned into another part of [...]

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(Non)Freedom of Saving Time

By Jeremy Gulley We all like to think of ourselves as free people, able to make choices for ourselves – we want to see ourselves as masters of our own lives. In fact, our country is bound up in ideas of freedom, liberty, and the right to choose for ourselves what is best. Yet, despite [...]

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Did you see that game?

By Jeremy Gulley I have tried hard over the years to try and get my youngest son to watch sports. I have not pushed him to play sports or like sports, but I have tried to get him to appreciate sports. Mostly, he isn’t interested. He is the kid with the big imagination that doesn’t [...]

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Me and a Talking Frog

By Jeremy Gulley When I say I feel like I’m getting old, I know many people, those older than me for example, will laugh and say I have no idea what I’m talking about. But I do know what I’m talking about. I feel like I’m getting old. My hair is going away, many of [...]

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New Shoes

By Jeremy Gulley I am quite fond of my boots. I wear them for most of my walking around time. They are comfortable, both physically and mentally – I am used to how they feel and I’d rather wear them than anything else. So far, they’ve been to Mexico, Ecuador, and about 16 States including [...]

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