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There Will Be McDonald’s in Heaven

By Jeremy Gulley Several years ago my family traveled to the Philippines. Though we enjoyed the experience, the food left a lot to be desired. We tried hard, but really did not enjoy much of anything. Then, one day, we found a McDonald’s. Unfortunately, what should have been an oasis turned into another part of [...]

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(Non)Freedom of Saving Time

By Jeremy Gulley We all like to think of ourselves as free people, able to make choices for ourselves – we want to see ourselves as masters of our own lives. In fact, our country is bound up in ideas of freedom, liberty, and the right to choose for ourselves what is best. Yet, despite [...]

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Did you see that game?

By Jeremy Gulley I have tried hard over the years to try and get my youngest son to watch sports. I have not pushed him to play sports or like sports, but I have tried to get him to appreciate sports. Mostly, he isn’t interested. He is the kid with the big imagination that doesn’t [...]

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Me and a Talking Frog

By Jeremy Gulley When I say I feel like I’m getting old, I know many people, those older than me for example, will laugh and say I have no idea what I’m talking about. But I do know what I’m talking about. I feel like I’m getting old. My hair is going away, many of [...]

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New Shoes

By Jeremy Gulley I am quite fond of my boots. I wear them for most of my walking around time. They are comfortable, both physically and mentally – I am used to how they feel and I’d rather wear them than anything else. So far, they’ve been to Mexico, Ecuador, and about 16 States including [...]

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There is No Substitute for Hard Work

By Jeremy Gulley In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell claims that the trick to being successful is not to just work hard, but to work really hard. He states that successful people don’t work harder than other people, they work “much, much, much harder than most people.” This is not good news for us if [...]

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On Liberty of Opinions

By Jeremy Gulley Since President Obama’s speech in Osawatomie on December 6th, I have received many emails and heard many opinions from people on both sides of the political spectrum. It seems that everyone has something to say about the President’s visit and the ideas he presented, and find it necessary to share that opinion [...]

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My Political Opinions

One day four men were arguing about politics. Every time that a topic would be brought up, it eventually ended up where three would agree and argue against the fourth. Try as he could, the forth man could never prevail against the “three against one, we’re right” argument. After they had argued for several minutes [...]

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First Job

I read this great story on my favorite Web site, onlyfunnystories.com this week. It is a great reminder about how easily children are influenced, and how they always say the wrong thing at the wrong time. A family excitedly bought and moved into their first house. The house sat next to a vacant lot. One [...]

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The Importance of Fathers

By Jeremy Gulley I sat with forty people in the unseasonably warm October air and watched people shiver in the obviously cold water of Miola Lake. They had come to be baptized. I think it is important that you know about the church I attend. It meets in the lobby of the homeless shelter in [...]

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